21 Juli 2009

Teror Tsunami 22 Juli 2009 Beredar

Teror Tsunami pada 22 Juli 2009 beredar melalui SMS, dan juga email pada hari Selasa (21/07/09) dengan judul "July 22nd 2009 another tsunami". Isi SMS dan email tersebut diawali sapaan, kemudian memberitahukan agar jauh-jauh dari kawasan pantai selama bulan Juli.

Foto Teror Tsunami 22 Juli 2009

Informasi tersebut menyebutkan daerah terparah yang akan dilanda Tsunami adalah Malaysia, Singapura, Maldiva, Australia, Sri Lanka, India, Indonesia, dan Filifina.

Berikut adalah informasi lengkap dari SMS dan juga Email Teror Tsunami 22 Juli 2009 tersebut "Hello there. I just wanted 2 let you know that please stay away from the beaches all around in the month of July. There is a prediction that there will be another tsunami hitting on July 22nd. It is also when there will be sun eclipse. Predicted that it is going 2 be really bad and countries like Malaysia (Sabah & Sarawak), Singapore, Maldives, Australia, Mauritius, Si Lanka, India, Indonesia, Philippines are going 2 be badly hit. Please try and stay away from the beaches in July. Better 2 be safe than sorry. Please pass the word around. Please also pray for all beings."

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